I do want to say that the workshops you are holding are very important. The issue of contractor fraud can have devastating impact on homeowners. Unfortunately, we seem to be running into it a lot lately, and clearly the economy probably has something to do with it. I know it has always been there, but just seems more prevalent lately. However, with workshops like yours, information and resources can be exposed to homeowners that will help identify unscrupulous contractors. I gained some knowledge at the workshop that I was unaware of. I have been involved with the insurance industry for over 20 years and it just amazes me the lengths that some contractors will go too. Thanks

Dale Silvey Property Claim Field Manager, American Family Insurance

I do want to say that the workshops you are holding are very important. The issue of contractor fraud can have devastating impact on homeowners. Unfortunately, we seem to be running into it a lot lately, and clearly the economy probably has something to do with it. I know it has always been there, but just seems more prevalent lately. However, with workshops like yours, information and resources can be exposed to homeowners that will help identify unscrupulous contractors. I gained some knowledge at the workshop that I was unaware of. I have been involved with the insurance industry for over 20 years and it just amazes me the lengths that some contractors will go too. Thanks


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