SmartPower Anti-Fraud Workshops

Working in close cooperation with state agencies and local elected officials, law enforcement, building officials, consumer protection attorneys, insurance experts and community leaders, reKNOvate conducts Anti-Fraud Workshops (“Protecting Yourself from Home Repair Contractor Fraud and Scams”) in at-risk neighborhoods and communities, nationwide. SmartPower workshops offer local residents vital information from reKNOvate, as well as local municipal, law enforcement, judicial, insurance and other sources that empowers local homeowners to prevent home improvement fraud in their communities.

At reKNOvate, our mission is to educate homeowners and communities on how to protect themselves from becoming victims of home repair/remodel/rebuild fraud and scams.

At some point, every homeowner is going to need to hire a service provider. We focus on being proactive; reaching homeowners/communities before the bad guys do.

There are many reputable construction companies out there, who are honest and ethical. Shady contractors give the construction industry a black eye, making it harder on legitimate contractors who are just trying to make an honest living.

SmartPower workshop speakers include: mayors, council members, insurance commissioners, attorneys general, and other elected officials, law enforcement, disaster experts, code certified inspectors, building and zoning officials, attorneys, insurance experts, green energy experts, investigative reporters, and more.

Smart Power Workshops cover topics such as:

  • Introduction/Overview: About reKNOvate, typical scams, and creating Contractor “Fraud-Free Zones.”
  • Before the Project: Contractors, contracts, budgets, payment schedules, and other things you should know before you begin your home improvement/home repair project.
  • During the Project: How to be your own quality control manager and stay on top of what your contractor is really doing.
  • After the Project: What to do before giving your contractor the final payment and what to do if you’ve been scammed.
  • Is There Such Thing As Green Fraud?: Going “Green” is the latest trend for home improvement and home repair projects, and dishonest contractors are looking to cash in.


Become an ally today and join the fight against home repair fraud and scams! It’s free!

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