Let me just say thank you so much for the critical information you are providing to consumers. As a professional, the information you are providing is invaluable to consumers. If your information prevents just one consumer from becoming a victim of contractor fraud, then your organization was not formed in vain. I believe, however, that the service you provide is much more far reaching than just a single consumer. I learned so much as well from the workshop, things that I should know as an insurance professional. It never hurts to be reminded to stay with strangers surveying your property, to protect your valuables, to make sure anything with personal information is placed in a secure location. As a consumer, your story spoke to my heart. My grandmother was a victim of contractor fraud. She was a very proud woman who raised four daughters on her own. She worked so hard for every cent she ever earned. It did not stop a contractor from defrauding her of her life savings and leaving a job undone at her home. She was also a very proud woman, who like many other seniors, kept her mouth shut for a long time because she didn’t want anyone to know she had been taken. It is my sincere hope that you will continue with this program.

Dana Whaley Special Investigator, Missouri Department of Insurance

Let me just say thank you so much for the critical information you are providing to consumers. As a professional, the information you are providing is invaluable to consumers. If your information prevents just one consumer from becoming a victim of contractor fraud, then your organization was not formed in vain. I believe, however, that the service you provide is much more far reaching than just a single consumer. I learned so much as well from the workshop, things that I should know as an insurance professional. It never hurts to be reminded to stay with strangers surveying your property, to protect your valuables, to make sure anything with personal information is placed in a secure location. As a consumer, your story spoke to my heart. My grandmother was a victim of contractor fraud. She was a very proud woman who raised four daughters on her own. She worked so hard for every cent she ever earned. It did not stop a contractor from defrauding her of her life savings and leaving a job undone at her home. She was also a very proud woman, who like many other seniors, kept her mouth shut for a long time because she didn’t want anyone to know she had been taken. It is my sincere hope that you will continue with this program.


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