Ms. Phae Moore came to educate our employees on how to protect themselves from home repair fraud and scams. The session provided our employees with valuable information on how to screen a contractor, what should and should not be in a home repair contract, how to monitor the job, when and how to make payments and a whole lot more. We had over 100 attendees and everyone who attended walked away with lots of valuable information they could proactively use to protect themselves from scams and fraudulent practices. Many in the audience felt it was one of the best presentations and felt that Ms. Moore should make another presentation for those employees who were not able to attend. We are planning to have Ms. Moore return to do another session.

Lanii Thomas Senior Public Relations Manager, Dept. of Planning & Community Development City of Atlanta

Ms. Phae Moore came to educate our employees on how to protect themselves from home repair fraud and scams. The session provided our employees with valuable information on how to screen a contractor, what should and should not be in a home repair contract, how to monitor the job, when and how to make payments and a whole lot more. We had over 100 attendees and everyone who attended walked away with lots of valuable information they could proactively use to protect themselves from scams and fraudulent practices. Many in the audience felt it was one of the best presentations and felt that Ms. Moore should make another presentation for those employees who were not able to attend. We are planning to have Ms. Moore return to do another session.


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