It is a great pleasure to partner with you to help individuals and residents gain access to valuable information that allows them to be proactive as opposed to being reactive to issues surrounding home buying, including contractor fraud. Within our NPU, we have one of the highest incidences of mortgage fraud in the area. As a community advocate, it is my job to help bring education, information and resources that will empower our people. As the Chair of the Non-Profit Council of NPUT, it is especially important to our fair housing committee that we obtain and share as much positive information to the public that will result in quality decisions, resulting in a healthy and wholesome community.

Melanie Wofford Executive Director, Community & Housing Initiatives Corporation

It is a great pleasure to partner with you to help individuals and residents gain access to valuable information that allows them to be proactive as opposed to being reactive to issues surrounding home buying, including contractor fraud. Within our NPU, we have one of the highest incidences of mortgage fraud in the area. As a community advocate, it is my job to help bring education, information and resources that will empower our people. As the Chair of the Non-Profit Council of NPUT, it is especially important to our fair housing committee that we obtain and share as much positive information to the public that will result in quality decisions, resulting in a healthy and wholesome community.


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